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ContiSecur Premium Colle Caoutchouc 0,8 litre, 1 component

(Numéro d'article: CONTISECUR PREMIUM)

ContiSecur® PREMIUM A contact adhesive of the next generation

For the first time together with our partner the H.B. Fuller Company, ContiTech has succeeded in producing a one-component adhesive, Conti Secur® PREMIUM.

With this new development we have fulfilled the requirements for cold bonding in conveyor technology. Continual, high adhesion strength is guaranteed, even for dynamic demands such as cold bonding of conveyor belts.

The one-component adhesive Conti Secur® PREMIUM can be used universally, just like Conti Secur® BFA. The combination of proven characteristics and new advantages makes Conti Secur® PREMIUM one of the most economical and user-friendly adhesives in the conveyor belt industry.

Use Conti Secur® PREMIUM and experience the state-of-the-art in adhesive technology.

Advantages :

  • Can be used universally, similar to Conti Secur® BFA Makes warehousing and dispatch easier
  • Easier processing, no activation necessary
  • No sources of errors by under- or overdosage of activator No vulcanization in the tin
  • This means the adhesive can be used completely
  • Cost savings and environmental protection through waste reduction

Photo(s) :
Annexes :
Informations sur les prix :
Prix par pièce:
€ 74,38 *
Quantité : Commander

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Prix par pièce (hors TVA)

1 ou plus

€ 74,38

3 ou plus

€ 74,38*  € 73,38

5 ou plus

€ 74,38*  € 72,58

8 ou plus

€ 74,38*  € 71,88

16 ou plus

€ 74,38*  € 70,88

24 ou plus

€ 74,38*  € 70,38

36 ou plus

€ 74,38*  € 69,88

48 ou plus

€ 74,38*  € 68,88

96 ou plus

€ 74,38*  € 66,88

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5% Réduction

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€ 150,07*

€ 146,29*


5% Réduction

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€ 180,67*

€ 175,36*

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